Note-This content only presents overviews of hair loss
prevention research for educational purposes and does not
replace medical advice from a professional physician.
The best start to preventing hair loss is understanding the
basics of hair: what it is, how it grows, what system
malfunctions can cause it to stop growing.
Most common hair loss comes under what has been commonly
known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although referred to
as MPB, females suffer a similar syndrome, so it is more
properly called androgenetic alopecia. Although hair loss
is not life or health threatening, it can cause serious
problems with a personâEUR(TM)s psyche and self-confidence. There
has been no absolute cure found for hair loss, and many
factors of hair loss are hereditary, however there are
several preventative measures one can take to maintain
healthy hair and scalp.
Although both men and women can suffer significant hair
loss, over 50% of men will suffer with Male Pattern
Baldness (MPB), also known as androgenetic alopecia, at
some point in their lives. The reason behind hair loss is a
genetically inherited sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone
(DHT) and 5-alpha-reductase. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase
converts testosterone, a male hormone, to DHT, the
substance identified as the end-cause for hair loss.
Hair loss has been noticed and studied throughout the ages,
and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient
times. For one it was noticed that eunuchs: those males
without genitals-never went bald. Men who were castrated as
a result of accidents in battle also never went bald. This
was the first indication that testosterone had something to
do with hair loss. It has also been found that the more
recessive the hair gene, the more propensity toward
baldness one has.
Some common myths have arisen concerning hair loss. Because
of medical advancements many of these myths are being
addressed and corrected. For starters, although
androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is genetic and
therefore can be hereditary, it is not passed down through
only your motherâEUR(TM)s side of the family. Either side of the
family can pass down the genetic disposition toward
baldness. Also, contrary to old family tales, wearing hats
does not cause baldness either.
Beyond the genetic propensity of certain people toward hair
loss, there seems to be various dietary triggers that
activate the process, a notion that is promising since this
can be controlled.
The effects of high-fat diets and the increase of DHT
(Dihydrotestosterone), a chemical produced by the body
found to cause hair loss, is not conclusive at this time.
However, there does seem to be a connection; as societies
that consumed relatively low-fat diets such as pre-World
War II Japan experienced almost no pattern baldness,
whereas in post-World War II Japan there is an increase in
pattern baldness as their society consumes a higher fat
diet. In fact, Asian and African men in their native
countries traditionally suffer very little Male Pattern
Baldness (MPB). Although when the same peoples come to
North America, they begin to develop MPB.
Because people of all races and ethnicities tend to develop
MPB or androgenetic alopecia, yet do not exhibit these
tendencies before moving to America, changes in diet may be
a leading contributing factor. Diets high in fat do
increase testosterone, which is the main component in DHT.
More research needs to be done on this topic to reach
conclusive evidence, although it certainly could not hurt
to lower oneâEUR(TM)s fat intake.
There are a number of foods and substances to avoid and
limit the intake of. Substances such as alcohol, caffeine,
sugar and nicotine can deplete the body of nutrients and
raise adrenal levels, which will cause a chain reaction of
producing more androgen and causing hair loss. High levels
of saturated fat and cholesterol rich foods are also linked
to increased DHT levels and their consumption should be
limited. Additionally, common table salt has been linked to
hair loss. And the average diet provides the recommended
amount of sodium intake; therefore, salt should never be
added to food. However, when using salt for seasoning
during cooking, be sure to use salt with Iodine being that
it is a nutrient that is vital to hair growth as well,
unless you are a regular consumer of seafood, which
contains high levels of Iodine.
Although hair loss can be caused by many other variables,
lack of proper nutrition will assuredly cause hair loss in
many people. Fortunately, adopting a proper diet that
includes the proper nutrients can reverse hair loss caused
by malnutrition. One thing for certain, regardless of
whether your hair loss was caused by malnutrition or not,
adopting a healthier diet will help the function of other
areas of the body.
There are some methods that have been used that prevent
hair loss on some people, in addition to the dietary
improvements, there are some naturopathic remedy
suggestions. Massage and aromatherapy have been used with
some success. In minor cases of temporary hair loss, hair
growth can be stimulated by massage, since blood and oxygen
flow to the scalp must be healthy in order for hair to
grow. A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay
essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond,
soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed
to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to
stimulate the scalp. Once the mixture is in the scalp for
20 minutes, wash your hair and scalp with your normal
shampoo mixed with three drops of bay essential oil.
Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a
day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in
mild cases stimulate some hair growth. Of course, one must
be careful to be gentle when massaging and not tug at the
hair or use the fingernails when massaging the scalp. If
one is concerned about fingernails getting in the way due
to extra long fingernails, there are several options. One
is a flat-handed massage, which while not as effective as
the finger massage can provide some circulatory benefits
and results.
There are several electric massagers on the market that
have an attachment for scalp massaging as well. An oriental
method called Qi Gong (pronounced Chi Kung) has been used
to increase circulation to the scalp and face also. The
fingers should be placed at the center of the skull base
and then begin to tap approximately 30 times. Work your way
outward toward the ears continuing to tap gently. After
reaching the ears go back to the center of the skull a
little higher up and work your way around to the ear
region. Keep going up about eight levels, each time
repeating the process.
There is a definite connection between the prostate and
hair loss for men, and therefore a connection between
breakthroughs in BPH treatments developed and their
effectiveness in restoring hair growth. There have been
some herbalists that have experimented with the herb Saw
Palmetto in order to block the production of DHT in
treating BPH. Although most studies of Saw Palmetto have
been for the treatment of prostatic disease, more recent
studies have been conducted on its effectiveness in
treating loss. The herb has been found to work in fighting
benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which
is a known cause of androgenetic alopecia. Studies have
shown Saw Palmetto extract is an effective anti-androgen
and therefore there is promise for its effectiveness as an
effective treatment for hair loss prevention.
Rosemary and sage are two herbs that have shown benefit
traditionally when used externally. It is suggested that to
promote a clean scalp, stimulation of the hair root, and
thickening hair one should boil together in water rosemary,
sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Then strain the loose
herbs from the liquid and use the liquid to wash the hair
daily. Also recommended is steeping one ounce of ground
rosemary, two ounces of ground sage, and a half ounce of
ground nettles in one pint of ethyl alcohol for a week,
straining the solution and adding one ounce of castor oil
and one ounce of water to the liquid. This is said to make
a great hair lotion to apply at night before bed or just
before shampooing.
Hair is a living protein, and as with any living part of
our bodies we must be sure to maintain proper health to
optimize our chances of maintaining a healthy head of hair.
Proper nutrition is vital to maintaining healthy hair,
since the hair is a living and growing part of the bodyâEUR(TM)s
system. Viewing it in this manner can help us to treat our
bodies different and raise expectations through proper
care. A healthy balanced diet, occasionally with the help
of vitamin and mineral supplements and exercise are all key
components to a healthy regimen of maintaining healthy
There is an obvious link to hair loss and prostatic health
and this only increases the pace of hair loss discoveries.
Most treatments for prostatic diseases such as benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also have the pleasant side
affect of growing hair on the heads of those taking it.
With the pace of research and discoveries today, there is a
great deal of optimism in the field of hair loss prevention
and treatment. Hair is an important part of our dress and
appearance, therefore a large part of our self-esteem. It
is likely that there are answers for your situation
presently or coming in the near future.
Remember, the restoration of hair growth is not an
overnight process. The process takes time regardless of the
method chosen. Be patient and follow as much of the advice
given by professionals as possible. Keep in mind that the
body is a system, and it is the abuse of this system by
food intake and environmental causes that lead to most
common hair loss.