Thursday, February 18, 2010

hair loss solutions,

Which is the Best Hair Loss Solution?
By Jamie Gram

Few people will offer any contention to the assertion that acute hair loss can be a real problem, calling for 'actual solutions' today. In days gone by, a person suffering from such acute loss of hair could afford to 'smile the problem away' - taking it in good humor and in their stride, and explaining it away to enquirers (and to themselves) as part of the qualities that made them the unique human beings they were. But times have changed. Today we find ourselves in a situation where not every facet of human uniqueness is celebrated, and particular a situation where acute loss of hair is subconsciously associated with advancement in age (which is in turn shunned). Obviously, someone suffering from such acute hair loss finds themselves with a huge problem on their hands, a problem worth finding a solution to.

In response to the needs of the people with the acute hair-loss problem, the pharmaceutical and 'natural remedies' industries have been going on the overdrive in the recent past, coming up with a new 'loss of hair solution' almost every other day. As a result of this remarkable work into the development of hair loss solutions, we find ourselves today in a situation where there is such a great variety of hair loss solutions that the person looking for one is likely to find themselves utterly spoilt for choice. It does not help matters, either, that a number of these so-called loss of hair solutions actually offer no solution to the problem; but are actually clever scams developed by opportunists to fleece people struggling with the loss of hair problem off their hard earned cash. For that very reason then, it understandable why the people faced with loss of hair problems nowadays are not only eager for a hair solution, but also the very best hair loss solution - hence the question as to what the best hair loss solution is.

Getting to that said hair-loss solution, however, is not always very easy as many of those who have embarked on the journey in search for it will aver. The problem is that almost every loss of hair solution today is touted by its makers (and their sympathizers) as the 'very best hair-loss solution' leading to a situation where we have so many 'best' hair loss solution; never mind that 'linguistically speaking,' we are only expected to have a 'single' item out of any list that can be termed as the 'best.'

The best that the person looking for the 'best hair-loss solution' can do, then, is perhaps to ignore what the makers of the various hair-loss solutions have to say about their products (seeing that they are naturally likely to be highly biased in favor of their particular offerings) - and instead listen to what other people struggling with the problem and who have gotten to use the various hair loss solutions have to say about them.

It is important, of course, to note that the slot for the best hair loss solution is likely to be a highly competitive one, one whose occupant is likely to change every so often. At the moment for instance, a product like the much hyped Zulvera hair solution (marketed as Zulvera shampoo) could be the occupant of the best hair loss solution slot; but it would be reasonable to expect another product to have taken the place of Zulvera hair solution aka Zulvera shampoo when you go checking the next time. Such is the nature of the hair loss industry, by the way.

hair loss treatment center

Hair Loss Treatment Center
By Sally Miller

When things get out of control and you are unsure of where to turn in regards to your diminishing hair, there are professionals out there to help you. Over the past few decades, hair specialists have been able to refine their craft with scientific knowledge to develop new products and procedures. Skip the guessing game and use products that are scientifically tested to be compatible with your hair problem. Find the best hair restoration solution for you. If you are really serious about your challenged hair and are not limited monetarily, hair loss treatment centers are the best way to have an individualized treatment program with maximized and guaranteed results!

Professional Products

There are three options available to you at a hair loss treatment center. Firstly, you can use customized, private formula products that are specially formulated, FDA approved, and provided to you by doctors and hair specialists. Your progress will continually be monitored with these topical treatments to ensure the best possible outcome. There are many stages and types of medicated products available. Pre-emollients are used prior to medicated shampoos to loosen dirt, skin, and other debris, so that the amino acids and other nutrients can access the scalp and provide maximum benefits. Astringents are used, as well, to kill bacteria and keep the hair and scalp clean and optimized for hair growth. Reconstructors help to replenish and bring vibrancy to dull and damaged hair. This is to bring health to existing hair follicles. With each product working its own magic, your hair soon becomes an unstoppable growing force that leaves doctors proud, and leaves you amazed and thankful you decided to use a hair loss treatment center.

Professional Tools

Lasers are the newest addition to the arsenal of tools in the professional battle against thinning hair. This phototherapy aims to remove excess dead skin cells and stimulate growth. This is done on a weekly basis, with results usually manifesting between the sixth and ninth treatment. Maintenance is then required with the products from the previous section to keep restored hair in place and growing strong and healthy. This is best conducted at a hair loss treatment center rather than purchasing a do-it-yourself laser to use at home. Lasers, unless applied at exactly the right frequency, are absolutely useless, and those with the strength needed to produce results are not available to the general public.

Professional Procedures

Research is crucial if you have come to the decision to undergo a hair transplant. Experience and knowledge is imperative due to the sensitive nature of the procedure. Hairs must be placed accurately the first time or your results will be skewed. There is a limited number of hairs that can be moved for transplant, and if not done correctly, they are wasted and fewer balding areas can be covered. This is an expensive procedure with an average price of $15,000.00. Choose a reputable hair loss treatment center with a doctor you trust, and make every dime and hair count. This is meant to be a drawn-out process where the needs of the patient are fully known and the artistry of hair replacement is respected.

There are solutions to hair loss. You are not destined to live life with a naked scalp. Hair professionals all over the country are more knowledgeable than ever about treating your thinning hair and getting you back to a confident, healthy head of hair. Through products, treatments, and surgical procedures, you can take decades off of your appearance. If you are tired of spending money on products with a lifelong commitment, consider a visit to a hair loss treatment center.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

hair loss treatments

Natural Hair Loss Treatment - The Lost Art of Hair Repair

hair loss prevention,

Hair Loss Prevention- Why Do Castrated Men Never Go Bald?
By Whozylee Aris

Note-This content only presents overviews of hair loss
prevention research for educational purposes and does not
replace medical advice from a professional physician.

The best start to preventing hair loss is understanding the
basics of hair: what it is, how it grows, what system
malfunctions can cause it to stop growing.

Most common hair loss comes under what has been commonly
known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although referred to
as MPB, females suffer a similar syndrome, so it is more
properly called androgenetic alopecia. Although hair loss
is not life or health threatening, it can cause serious
problems with a personâEUR(TM)s psyche and self-confidence. There
has been no absolute cure found for hair loss, and many
factors of hair loss are hereditary, however there are
several preventative measures one can take to maintain
healthy hair and scalp.

Although both men and women can suffer significant hair
loss, over 50% of men will suffer with Male Pattern
Baldness (MPB), also known as androgenetic alopecia, at
some point in their lives. The reason behind hair loss is a
genetically inherited sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone
(DHT) and 5-alpha-reductase. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase
converts testosterone, a male hormone, to DHT, the
substance identified as the end-cause for hair loss.

Hair loss has been noticed and studied throughout the ages,
and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient
times. For one it was noticed that eunuchs: those males
without genitals-never went bald. Men who were castrated as
a result of accidents in battle also never went bald. This
was the first indication that testosterone had something to
do with hair loss. It has also been found that the more
recessive the hair gene, the more propensity toward
baldness one has.

Some common myths have arisen concerning hair loss. Because
of medical advancements many of these myths are being
addressed and corrected. For starters, although
androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is genetic and
therefore can be hereditary, it is not passed down through
only your motherâEUR(TM)s side of the family. Either side of the
family can pass down the genetic disposition toward
baldness. Also, contrary to old family tales, wearing hats
does not cause baldness either.

Beyond the genetic propensity of certain people toward hair
loss, there seems to be various dietary triggers that
activate the process, a notion that is promising since this
can be controlled.

The effects of high-fat diets and the increase of DHT
(Dihydrotestosterone), a chemical produced by the body
found to cause hair loss, is not conclusive at this time.
However, there does seem to be a connection; as societies
that consumed relatively low-fat diets such as pre-World
War II Japan experienced almost no pattern baldness,
whereas in post-World War II Japan there is an increase in
pattern baldness as their society consumes a higher fat
diet. In fact, Asian and African men in their native
countries traditionally suffer very little Male Pattern
Baldness (MPB). Although when the same peoples come to
North America, they begin to develop MPB.

Because people of all races and ethnicities tend to develop
MPB or androgenetic alopecia, yet do not exhibit these
tendencies before moving to America, changes in diet may be
a leading contributing factor. Diets high in fat do
increase testosterone, which is the main component in DHT.
More research needs to be done on this topic to reach
conclusive evidence, although it certainly could not hurt
to lower oneâEUR(TM)s fat intake.

There are a number of foods and substances to avoid and
limit the intake of. Substances such as alcohol, caffeine,
sugar and nicotine can deplete the body of nutrients and
raise adrenal levels, which will cause a chain reaction of
producing more androgen and causing hair loss. High levels
of saturated fat and cholesterol rich foods are also linked
to increased DHT levels and their consumption should be
limited. Additionally, common table salt has been linked to
hair loss. And the average diet provides the recommended
amount of sodium intake; therefore, salt should never be
added to food. However, when using salt for seasoning
during cooking, be sure to use salt with Iodine being that
it is a nutrient that is vital to hair growth as well,
unless you are a regular consumer of seafood, which
contains high levels of Iodine.

Although hair loss can be caused by many other variables,
lack of proper nutrition will assuredly cause hair loss in
many people. Fortunately, adopting a proper diet that
includes the proper nutrients can reverse hair loss caused
by malnutrition. One thing for certain, regardless of
whether your hair loss was caused by malnutrition or not,
adopting a healthier diet will help the function of other
areas of the body.

There are some methods that have been used that prevent
hair loss on some people, in addition to the dietary
improvements, there are some naturopathic remedy
suggestions. Massage and aromatherapy have been used with
some success. In minor cases of temporary hair loss, hair
growth can be stimulated by massage, since blood and oxygen
flow to the scalp must be healthy in order for hair to
grow. A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay
essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond,
soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed
to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to
stimulate the scalp. Once the mixture is in the scalp for
20 minutes, wash your hair and scalp with your normal
shampoo mixed with three drops of bay essential oil.
Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a
day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in
mild cases stimulate some hair growth. Of course, one must
be careful to be gentle when massaging and not tug at the
hair or use the fingernails when massaging the scalp. If
one is concerned about fingernails getting in the way due
to extra long fingernails, there are several options. One
is a flat-handed massage, which while not as effective as
the finger massage can provide some circulatory benefits
and results.

There are several electric massagers on the market that
have an attachment for scalp massaging as well. An oriental
method called Qi Gong (pronounced Chi Kung) has been used
to increase circulation to the scalp and face also. The
fingers should be placed at the center of the skull base
and then begin to tap approximately 30 times. Work your way
outward toward the ears continuing to tap gently. After
reaching the ears go back to the center of the skull a
little higher up and work your way around to the ear
region. Keep going up about eight levels, each time
repeating the process.

There is a definite connection between the prostate and
hair loss for men, and therefore a connection between
breakthroughs in BPH treatments developed and their
effectiveness in restoring hair growth. There have been
some herbalists that have experimented with the herb Saw
Palmetto in order to block the production of DHT in
treating BPH. Although most studies of Saw Palmetto have
been for the treatment of prostatic disease, more recent
studies have been conducted on its effectiveness in
treating loss. The herb has been found to work in fighting
benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which
is a known cause of androgenetic alopecia. Studies have
shown Saw Palmetto extract is an effective anti-androgen
and therefore there is promise for its effectiveness as an
effective treatment for hair loss prevention.

Rosemary and sage are two herbs that have shown benefit
traditionally when used externally. It is suggested that to
promote a clean scalp, stimulation of the hair root, and
thickening hair one should boil together in water rosemary,
sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Then strain the loose
herbs from the liquid and use the liquid to wash the hair
daily. Also recommended is steeping one ounce of ground
rosemary, two ounces of ground sage, and a half ounce of
ground nettles in one pint of ethyl alcohol for a week,
straining the solution and adding one ounce of castor oil
and one ounce of water to the liquid. This is said to make
a great hair lotion to apply at night before bed or just
before shampooing.

Hair is a living protein, and as with any living part of
our bodies we must be sure to maintain proper health to
optimize our chances of maintaining a healthy head of hair.
Proper nutrition is vital to maintaining healthy hair,
since the hair is a living and growing part of the bodyâEUR(TM)s
system. Viewing it in this manner can help us to treat our
bodies different and raise expectations through proper
care. A healthy balanced diet, occasionally with the help
of vitamin and mineral supplements and exercise are all key
components to a healthy regimen of maintaining healthy

There is an obvious link to hair loss and prostatic health
and this only increases the pace of hair loss discoveries.
Most treatments for prostatic diseases such as benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also have the pleasant side
affect of growing hair on the heads of those taking it.
With the pace of research and discoveries today, there is a
great deal of optimism in the field of hair loss prevention
and treatment. Hair is an important part of our dress and
appearance, therefore a large part of our self-esteem. It
is likely that there are answers for your situation
presently or coming in the near future.

Remember, the restoration of hair growth is not an
overnight process. The process takes time regardless of the
method chosen. Be patient and follow as much of the advice
given by professionals as possible. Keep in mind that the
body is a system, and it is the abuse of this system by
food intake and environmental causes that lead to most
common hair loss.

Hair Growth Men

Hair Growth For Men - Must Read Remedies For Mens Hair Growth and Restoration
By Sam Hemmingway

It is the huge vain nuisance of most men all over the world: baldness or hair loss. It can begin as early as when you are in your teenage years or as late as you reach your 60th birthday. Some men will undergo some thinning of hair during their lifetimes, while a large percentage will have to deal with much more than that predicament. They might experience male pattern baldness, initiating at the apex or the crown and sometimes even in both hair segments. Although the medical field is working hard for the cure, balding men like you have to make the most of treatments for hair loss in men available in the market today.

Finasteride is being sold under a few brand names, which is an inhibitor of DHT or dihydrotestosterone. In actual fact, DHT has been discovered as the foremost cause of baldness in men. This is because DHT can bind the receptors of androgen in your scalp, thus severe dent and damage are received by your hair follicles. They thin out and in due course shut down the hair production resulting to shedding and balding of men. By preventing the enzyme that changes natural testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, this medication eradicates the problem and permits hair to continuously grow.

Another medicine for hair growth for men is spironolactone, which is also sold under different brand names. It is a topical cream that functions as an anti-androgen. It works by attaching to the receptors found in your scalp keeping it away from fastening with DHT, thus further baldness is obstructed. Minoxodil was sold initially as a prescription drug before 1996. However, you can now obtain it through an over-the-counter purchase. You can choose either a foam or oil form and apply it in your scalp in a daily basis. This drug serves as a vasolidator, wherein it opens up the blood vessels for improved blood flow on your scalp.

The most expensive way and one of the best remedies for hair loss in men is the hair restoration surgery. It can grow the hair back on your balding head by performing a hair transplant. Although some skeptics think of the "doll head" outcome from this surgery, the science has improved a lot at present and the look is more natural than before. The fundamental principle behind this medical procedure is getting hair from the back and sides of your head and then grafting it in the segments that need hair. The good news about this hair growth for men remedy is that the transplanted hairs can maintain DHT-resistance even in their new place

hair loss restoration,

Hair Loss Restoration Techniques

mens hair loss

What To Do About Mens Hair Loss
By Matt Murren

Are you among the million of men who have experienced a receding hairline?? Perhaps you've had hair fall out in the bathroom?? Or it could be that you have had an accident, surgery, or something else that has caused you to lose hair?? In any event, mens hair loss is taken seriously by countless individuals who want to get their hair back, along with a renewed sense of confidence. Before doing this, we need to find out just why it is that you are losing your hair. If you can discover the causes, learn the treatments, and decide what's best for you, you may be able to conquer this issue.

To start with, you must take into account the importance of good hair habits. It is essential to hair health to avoid doing things such as brushing your hair too much, or washing your hair excessively. Even with attention paid to keeping the hair and scalp healthy, there are other things that could be tougher to avoid. One of the things that could potentially play a role in mens hair loss is smoking, though that has yet to be absolutely proven. Another thing that can certainly lead to the loss of hair is stress. It's unlikely that stress is a stranger to your daily existence - and given that hair is a living, growing part of your body, stress can do the same things it does to other areas on and in the body. Chemical intake may play some role in hair loss, as many products we use contain some chemicals that might harm your hair. Plus, fatty diets can be a key contributor to your hair loss.

Of course, your hair loss could be hereditary. This is often the case in the majority of mens hair loss sufferers - who are suffering from a condition known as male pattern baldness. Roughly 95% of men who are losing their hair are doing so due to this particular condition. If you have a relative who's got it, there's a good chance you will, also. If you are Caucasian, this increases the risk, as well. Male pattern baldness is said to be due to how testosterone levels behave in men - so treating this is key to addressing your loss of hair.

If you are suffering from mens hair loss, one thing that could be helpful in figuring out what to do is something referred to as the Norwood Scale. This is designed to map out the various stages of male pattern baldness in men. There are eight such stages - and if you fall into the Stage VIII category, then you are at the most severe level of male pattern baldness. Having this scale around is a helpful toll for you and your physician in determining your course of treatment. Such treatments might include hair replacement therapy or methods by which hair is surgically implanted into the scalp. In many cases, patients turn to treatments such as Rogaine, Provillus, and the like in order to take care of their concerns.

Whether you make the choice to get treated for your mens hair loss, or accept your loss of hair is up to you.

hair loss treatment for men

Hair Loss Treatment For Men - An Overview of Treatments Available For Men's Hair Loss
By Sam Hemmingway

If you think only women are concerned about looking young, you are mistaken. There are also a lot of men who want to preserve their youthful look. However, they have differences in terms of their ways in achieving such. Women for example give more focus on preserving their skin to look young. Men on the other hand pay more attention to their hair. Men give more attention to their hair because a lot of them suffer from thinning hair. You know very well that baldness, though not necessarily always a sign of old age, is more often than not associated with that. If you are now experiencing hair loss, here are common hair loss treatments for men that you can use.

The most commonly used hair loss treatment for men are chemical products or drugs. There are topical products that inhibit production of certain hormones that are said to stimulate hair loss. There are also growth stimulants that, as the name implies, promote hair growth. There are creams or topical solutions available that prevent a certain type of hormone from reaching the follicles. Lastly, there are anti-inflammatory treatments available. They prevent scalp inflammation that results to itching and flaking.

The next hair loss treatment for men is surgery. This is not as extensively used as the chemical products mentioned above but there is a considerable number of men who use it. There are different ways to do this. One is hair transplantation and the other is scalp reduction. In hair transplantation, hair is taken from the back and put in the front area. Scalp reduction on the other hand involves cutting away areas where there is baldness and stitching together the rest. Surgery is very expensive. You also need to be careful in choosing the surgeon who will do the procedure.

If medicines and surgical procedures are not your thing, you can also choose to go for natural hair loss treatment for men. One good example of this is massaging the scalp. People who suggest this treatment say that good blood circulation stimulate hair growth. Massaging does stimulate blood circulation. However, there are people who say that blood circulation does not have anything to do with hair growth so no amount of massaging would be fruitful.

Another natural way to treat hair loss is by using herbs. There is a long list of herbs that are believed to be useful in this regard but the most popular of which is Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto was discovered to be effective in lowering levels of hormones that are known to cause hair loss.

These are just some of the treatments available for men. They can help you preserve your youthful looks by either preventing thinning hair or stimulating hair growth. Choose the hair loss treatment for men that you think will work for you well or you can also combine a treatment or two.


Provillus a Scam? 3 Ways You Can Tell!
By Leland Murray

You never know where the next scam will come from. They're everywhere, crouching, ready to pounce upon their unsuspecting prey... the consumer. The world of hair restoration is not immune to this. You may really be desperate to regrow your precious hair, but are you desperate enough to be ripped off by another huckster? And is Provillus, supposedly the #1 hair loss treatment available today, just another scam after all?

That is the question, right? Is Provillus a scam? First, let's examine a few of the many hair restoration scams circulating nowadays. You've got your laser combs, spray-on hair, hair "clip-ins", hair growth accupressure, and even hair growth hypnosis! Seriously?

So back to Provillus. What is Provillus and can it really do what it claims it can do? Let's explore.

Provillus A Scam? 3 Ways You Can Tell:

  1. Is Provillus Documented? Not only is the key ingredient in Provillus, minoxidil shown in medical journal after medical journal to be effective at regrowing hair, it is also the only topical on the market that is actually FDA Approved to regrow hair for both men and women! In addition, Provillus includes an all-natural supplement that blocks DHT, the hormone responsible for most hair loss. Minoxidil regrows hair. It doesn't stop DHT from trying to take it away. This is where Provillus' competition, Rogaine, falls short. Provillus doesn't just regrow new hair. It literally ends your hair loss... permanently!
  2. Does Provillus come with hidden back-end charges like a lot of those internet "free trial" offers? Nope. Provillus is offered at a fair price, and all costs for Provillus are disclosed up-front.
  3. Is Provillus guaranteed to work? Why buy a product if it isn't backed by a solid, money-back guarantee? Provillus has a 90-day return policy, which gives you plenty of time to see if Provillus will actually work for you.

So is Provillus a scam? It doesn't seem likely, does it. It's the only hair loss treatment on the market that both blocks DHT to prevent further hair loss and uses the power of FDA-Approved minoxidil to regrow new hair and "seal those gaps".

Again, Provillus is FDA Approved! If nothing else tells us that Provillus is NOT a scam, or even close to it, this certainly does.

Hopefully, this serves to clear up any "Provillus Scam" misconceptions which may be circulating about.

surgical hair restoration,

Looking For Non Surgical Hair Restoration Treatments?
By Heidi W.

Women love their hair, which is only natural because, it is what attracts the opposite sex, gives a woman her self esteem, and makes a face look pretty when it is framed with shiny, healthy hair. Some women do have a natural beauty and look just fine with a bald head, but for the majority of women, hair is a necessity to looking good. Maybe some would call it vanity, but it really is not. It is about her feelings of self worth. In cases where a woman begins starts to suffer from balding, trying a new non surgical hair restoration product will help tremendously.

Major breakthroughs are being discovered daily for non surgical hair restoration. Some women do not have the income, the health, nor the desire to undergo surgery so this is great news. Testosterone has been found guilty of causing baldness in men, and may even do the same in women who have higher levels of it than normal. There are now supplements available to counteract the testosterone levels and allow a woman to grow a full head of hair again. That is nothing short of miraculous.

Hair loss, or thinning of hair, can be caused by many reasons from nutritional to hormonal to a low immune system. No matter the reasons, Minoxidil has been tested and rated one of the best at stimulating regrowth. When hair follicles become plugged with a hormone called DHT, hair growth stops. Minoxidil unplugs the follicles allowing the hair to have its normal growth again. Of course with this treatment, it is very important to take vitamins, and especially the B vitamins which contain biotin, folic acid and niacin for thickening the hair, softening the skin and strengthening the fingernails.

An herb for treating female baldness has been studied and found to reduce the DHT which results from too much testosterone. Saw Palmetto is a safe, non surgical hair restoration aid which has been used on both men and women. In supplement form it is taken twice a day, and in oil form it is simply massaged into the scalp. After a couple of weeks, regrowth will be noticed in areas of the scalp where there was no hair.

Find a product which works for your hair and get back what was stolen so unfairly. Provillus regrowth formula is a great non surgical hair restoration treatment. This hair loss natural treatment can help prevent balding and promote new regrowth in both men and women.

hair transplants women

Hair Transplant - The Real Truth!
By Rick Saroukhanian

Many people who are battling hair loss wonder if a Hair Transplant surgery is the answer to their problems and many are even afraid of the word "surgery". Most people have seen others with transplant surgery that look superficial and like a doll's sticking out for the world to see. Typical transplant questions and fears: "extremely painful", "It will look fake", "not my own hair", "transplant hair will not grow and last as I get older", "expensive". These are some the questions that many people have when they hear the term Hair Transplant Surgery. So are these fears true or false? Well, as a past hair loss victim and transplant patient let me shed some light for all who are wondering. On my blog, "Ask The Hair Loss Expert", I go in detail about my hair loss story and eventual redemption with before and after pictures, so I will not go into detail about my history here. To be brief, I started losing hair at the age of 22 and it progressed as I grew older. At the age of 35 I had my first hair transplant. I was so satisfied that I had another one at the age of 37, which I truly did not need. Now, I am 39 and I look younger than when I was 30. If you do not believe me, just visit my blog and see for yourself.

Now, let me answer some of the above fears or even questions that most people have regarding an Hair Transplant Surgery:

1. Is it Painful? Pain is a relative term. Each individual has a different tolerance of pain than the next. I have a low tolerance for pain and I can tell you that going to the dentist is more painful than having a hair transplant performed by the right surgeon. The keyword to remember here is "right surgeon". The surgeon has to be an expert in Hair Transplant surgery only. The cutting of the donor area is the most dramatic process during the entire surgery and it is here that some people in the past have felt great pain due to the surgeon's lack of skill. If the surgeon is skilled there is very minimum pain and discomfort. On my surgery day, I watched DVD movies back to back, had sushi for lunch, talked to my wife and the nurses all during the surgery so pain was not an issue for me.

2. Will it look Fake? Again if the surgeon is skilled, the answer to this question would be a strong "no". Before I had my surgery, I had a receding hairline and was going completely bald on top. After surgery and I swear by this statement, not one person ever knew or even asked if I had a hair transplant. It's so funny, when I run into people who I have not seen for a long time, they look at me from head to toe in amazement and their only comment is how younger I look and how I lost all the weight. The funny part is that I actually gained weight after my marriage, yet my transplant looks so natural that no one has a clue.

3. It is my own hair? Yes that transplanted hair is 100% your natural hair taken from your donor area.

4. Will the transplanted hair grow and last? Yes, absolutely. After surgery, I would suggest you take propecia every two to three days which stops future hair loss. I am approaching 40 and from the age of 35 when I had my first transplant I have not worried or seen any evidence of hair loss, especially from the transplanted hair.

5. Is it Expensive? Depends how many grafts you need and more importantly where you get the hair transplant performed. I could tell you honestly that a hair transplant is much more expensive in Los Angeles or New York than in Canada. I personally had my surgery done in Canada and would never even consider doing it here in Los Angeles where I live, not because of the cost but because of the surgeon. Luckily for me the cost of the surgery is considerably less in Canada than here which worked out perfectly.

In summary, it is my opinion that a Hair Transplant is the only permanent cure for hair loss. So, don't let anyone fool you with magic pills, shampoo's or foams and so forth, it is full of crap and baloney. However, there are natural pills and supplements that prevents or slow down hair loss, such as Propecia and Provillus and Profinast. The only real solution where you actually gain a natural set of hair is a Hair Transplant Surgery. For much more information, news and videos feel free to visit my blog.

hair restorer

Medical Hair Restoration Treatment before the Surgical Hair Restoration

hair transplants for women

Hair Transplant For Women

provillus for women

What is Provillus For Women?
By Emiel L.

What exactly is Provillus for women? At first, it would probably sound like a kind of workout equipment or medication.

Provillus was originally made for men. It targets to remedy or help in the slowing down of Androgenetic Alopecia or "Male pattern hair loss," the disease that causes baldness. Through Provillus, minerals are transported to the hair follicles to disrupt the building up of dihydrotestosterone - the main culprit in Androgenetic Alopecia. It builds up in the follicles and interrupts the healthy hair growth process. Besides disrupting dihydrotestosterone, it helps more by having other nutrients for the body.

Usual dosage is two tablets per day. Some say that massaging the scalp helps to make Provillus effective. It supposedly stimulates the scalp and the chemical action of Provillus in the hair follicles. So far no side effects have been found. People attribute it to the fact that it is a herbal or organic drug. However, there are reports of stomach ache, but these were later attributed to taking Provillus on an empty stomach.

Later, Provillus for women was developed which addresses the problems brought about by "Female pattern baldness" or FPB. It keeps the hair strong and healthy. It also increases the growth rate of the mane. Provillus pills rejuvenate and stimulate the scalp, its hair follicles and also helps prevent the thinning of hair.

The Androgenetic Alopecia disease turns out to be the 95% cause of baldness in women. That is why Provillus, unlike other hair growth products, target the cause and effect of the said disease. Besides pills, it also has a topical solution. It contains Minoxodil 5% and other minerals, nutrients and elements. The company that produces Provillus boasts its 100% satisfaction guaranteed policy. They offer discreet shipping and billing service for the comfort of their clients.

Other kinds of Alopecia or hair loss include Alopecia Areata, Triangular and Traction Alopecia. While baldness in men start in the temporal area, hair loss in women occurs through scattered hair thinning. Sometimes it is also concentrated in the top and center area of the head. Provillus for women might indeed be the product to remedy such woes.

hair replacement men

Woman Hair Replacement - Two Medications For Women Hair Loss
By Craig W Jacobs

When you think of hair replacement, men that are bald come to mind, however women also experience hair loss just the same way as men. Some women actually experience the problem more than men. If you take a good look at lots of the women around you, some of them are not carrying their natural hairs, but artificial hairs, all because they are experiencing hair loss. Below are two very effective medications for women who are experiencing the problem.

1.Hormone replacement therapy is one option for treating women hair-loss. This is usually considered if the cause of the hair loss is as a result of hormonal imbalance. Estrogen is usually taken and this helps to stop the loss in lots of cases. But of course, ensure that you talk to your doctor before taking this or any other drug because your circumstances might be different.

2.Spironolactone is an anti-androgen drug that is used to treat loss of hair caused by hormonal imbalance. If your hair loss is Alopecia this medication may not work effectively for you. Like Estrogen, you should ensure that you get the proper guide from a doctor before taking this or any other medication for hair-loss.

So, despite all the wonders, using any of the above medications or drugs to treat hair loss should only be done with the strict approval of a qualified medical doctor. Moreover, women hair treatment is not only based on the two medications above. Other drugs for women are Monoxidi, Tricomin, and Procepia. Your hair replacement doctor is likely to prescribe these options for you.

hair transplant for women

Hair Transplant For Women

chemotherapy hair loss

Prevention of Chemotherapy Hair Loss
By Steven P Johnson

Cancer - The very word brings in an expression of fear on our faces because we all know that this is the only disease that can cause death within a short period of time - one may not even get the time for proper treatment. Research on cancer has yielded many positive results and chemotherapy treatment is the result of one such research. Chemotherapy is a treatment in which strong chemicals are inserted inside the body to kill the cancerous cells. Cancer cells are the fast growing cells that displace the healthy cells inside the body and create a complete imbalance inside the body leading to the failure of the internal body machinery.

Chemotherapy has proved to be one of the best treatments available for cancer but there are certain side effects that come piggybacking with it. Loss of hair is one such side effect that can cause a lot of anxiety in a patient undergoing chemotherapy. People often ask the question about the relation between chemotherapy and hair loss. Well, hair loss and chemotherapy is bound by a very simple relation - the elimination of fast growing cells of the body. Chemotherapy is specially designed to kill the fast growing cancerous cells of the body and unfortunately it cannot differentiate between the healthy fast growing cells present in hair and the cancerous ones, thus, killing both cell groups with equal ferocity.

Often it happens that cancer is detected at a very later stage which calls for a vigorous treatment. A vigorous treatment means that the doses of chemicals during chemotherapy are also very high causing the healthier cells to be killed at a faster rate. The regeneration rate of the hair follicle cells are faster than other cells of our body thus making it as clear target for the chemicals. The hair loss rate depends on the level o chemotherapy that is being administered. A high intensity treatment is more harmful for the hair cells, whereas if a low intensity treatment is being carried out then there are chances of the body retaining a higher percentage of the hair. Prolonged chemotherapy sessions more or less results in the loss of all the hair. Less serious cases can expect to experience lesser hair loss and majority of the loss would be made up within a short period of time. Chemotherapy hair loss is definitely one of the biggest concerns of the cancer patients.

Coping up with loss of hair during chemotherapy is an easy job nowadays and one can do that even in style! Yes, one does not need to take medicines to re-grow their hair and instead go for the fashionable head gear [out] s. Yes, this would not only hide your baldness but would also provide you a reason to enjoy the cursory glances at the night club! For the patients who are suffering from mild cancer treatment, they can go for the hair loss treatments. The good news is that you do not even have to go for a special treatment and the conventional ones would get you out of the chemotherapy hair loss problem.

This topic has affected many people in my life both family and friends. You can overcome Cancer and win. Please visit my site about chemotherapy and hair loss. There's some great information to get you or a loved one through chemotherapy: Chemotherapy Hair Loss

hair transplant women

Hair Transplant - The Real Truth!
By Rick Saroukhanian

Many people who are battling hair loss wonder if a Hair Transplant surgery is the answer to their problems and many are even afraid of the word "surgery". Most people have seen others with transplant surgery that look superficial and like a doll's sticking out for the world to see. Typical transplant questions and fears: "extremely painful", "It will look fake", "not my own hair", "transplant hair will not grow and last as I get older", "expensive". These are some the questions that many people have when they hear the term Hair Transplant Surgery. So are these fears true or false? Well, as a past hair loss victim and transplant patient let me shed some light for all who are wondering. On my blog, "Ask The Hair Loss Expert", I go in detail about my hair loss story and eventual redemption with before and after pictures, so I will not go into detail about my history here. To be brief, I started losing hair at the age of 22 and it progressed as I grew older. At the age of 35 I had my first hair transplant. I was so satisfied that I had another one at the age of 37, which I truly did not need. Now, I am 39 and I look younger than when I was 30. If you do not believe me, just visit my blog and see for yourself.

Now, let me answer some of the above fears or even questions that most people have regarding an Hair Transplant Surgery:

1. Is it Painful? Pain is a relative term. Each individual has a different tolerance of pain than the next. I have a low tolerance for pain and I can tell you that going to the dentist is more painful than having a hair transplant performed by the right surgeon. The keyword to remember here is "right surgeon". The surgeon has to be an expert in Hair Transplant surgery only. The cutting of the donor area is the most dramatic process during the entire surgery and it is here that some people in the past have felt great pain due to the surgeon's lack of skill. If the surgeon is skilled there is very minimum pain and discomfort. On my surgery day, I watched DVD movies back to back, had sushi for lunch, talked to my wife and the nurses all during the surgery so pain was not an issue for me.

2. Will it look Fake? Again if the surgeon is skilled, the answer to this question would be a strong "no". Before I had my surgery, I had a receding hairline and was going completely bald on top. After surgery and I swear by this statement, not one person ever knew or even asked if I had a hair transplant. It's so funny, when I run into people who I have not seen for a long time, they look at me from head to toe in amazement and their only comment is how younger I look and how I lost all the weight. The funny part is that I actually gained weight after my marriage, yet my transplant looks so natural that no one has a clue.

3. It is my own hair? Yes that transplanted hair is 100% your natural hair taken from your donor area.

4. Will the transplanted hair grow and last? Yes, absolutely. After surgery, I would suggest you take propecia every two to three days which stops future hair loss. I am approaching 40 and from the age of 35 when I had my first transplant I have not worried or seen any evidence of hair loss, especially from the transplanted hair.

5. Is it Expensive? Depends how many grafts you need and more importantly where you get the hair transplant performed. I could tell you honestly that a hair transplant is much more expensive in Los Angeles or New York than in Canada. I personally had my surgery done in Canada and would never even consider doing it here in Los Angeles where I live, not because of the cost but because of the surgeon. Luckily for me the cost of the surgery is considerably less in Canada than here which worked out perfectly.

In summary, it is my opinion that a Hair Transplant is the only permanent cure for hair loss. So, don't let anyone fool you with magic pills, shampoo's or foams and so forth, it is full of crap and baloney. However, there are natural pills and supplements that prevents or slow down hair loss, such as Propecia and Provillus and Profinast. The only real solution where you actually gain a natural set of hair is a Hair Transplant Surgery. For much more information, news and videos feel free to visit my blog.

Medical Hair Restoration Treatment before the Surgical Hair Restoration

By Steve Harris

There are several medical hair loss remedies available for hair loss restoration. Most of the hair transplant surgeons recommend that one should always try medical hair restoration before one decides to undergo hair restoration surgery.

In fact, continued medical treatment well before the surgery often results in a better growth for the hair transplants. Similarly, medical hair treatment after the surgery always provides superior benefits from the hair loss solutions.

But when you are preparing for the hair transplant surgery there are some precautions with medical hair restoration which are to be observed so that you don't have any adverse effect due the hair loss medications.

Medical hair restoration with Rogaine

Minoxidil sold with the brand name Rogaine, is not able to grow hair on completely bald scalp; but is still considered as an affordable hair restoration treatment as it is able to retard hair loss and stabilize it by slowing down the miniaturization process. Medical hair loss treatment with Rogaine is a widely accepted treatment of all the hair loss solutions. that is even recommended by the FDA both as a hair loss treatment for men and a hair loss treatment for woman. Minnoxidil acts by prolonging the growth phase of the hair. But for medical treatment with minoxidil to be fully effective requires prolonged use. It may take a long time, around 6 to 12 months, to predict a noticeable improvement in hair growth. Within 2 to 3 months of discontinuing the medication, the increase in terminal hair density and growth resulting from the use of medicine can suddenly vanish.

Another drawback of Rogaine is that while it is effective in the crown or top of the head, it is much less effective in the frontal area, so overall it is not as effective as a balding solution for men for whom the front of the scalp and the hairline are the important areas for hair loss restoration.

Rogaine, especially is the drug of choice for many female hair loss remedies where the hair loss is often characterized by diffuse thinning. The prolonged use of the drug is sometimes able to bring about the complete reversal of thinning, seen even after stopping the drug, but in men, stopping the medication results in complete reversal of the benefits.

Medical hair restoration (Rogaine) as a combination treatment

Some hair restoration surgeons highly recommend the use of Rogaine before and then immediately after the hair transplant surgery especially when the grafts have been placed in and around existing hair. The idea behind the combining the medical hair restoration and hair restoration surgery is to help prevent the temporary loss of healthy, preexisting hair due to the shock of the hair restoration surgery procedure.

The use of topical minoxidil both before and after hair restoration surgery is often recommended for patients undergoing hair transplant procedures as it has been seen that Minoxidil reduces hair shedding due to transplant trauma and shortens recovery from surgery.

Precaution before the hair transplant surgery

Most of the surgeons do feel that the medical hair restoration treatment with minoxidil should be stopped prior to the surgery to minimize skin irritation and the risk of dilation of the blood vessels, whihc might result in increased bleeding. The treatment of patients with 2% topical minoxidil is generally stopped 4 weeks before surgery.

The effectiveness of application of topical minoxidil prior to hair restoration surgery is also well documented. It was seen that hair loss due to telogen effluvium observed 2-4 weeks after surgery was more pronounced in placebo-treated patients (52%) as compared to minoxidil-treated patients (22 %).

Precaution after the hair transplant surgery

It is not advised to use minoxidil on the transplanted areas immediately after surgery until the incisions have been allowed to heal. Most surgeons prefer to start the use of topical minoxidil at least a week or so after the hair transplant surgery. This allows time for the epithelium to heal and minimizes the potential for theoretical damage to the transplanted grafts from propylene glycol based minoxidil. However, the use of special glycerin based minoxidil solutions can take care this potential problem and can help to get a better growth after the surgery.

Where minoxidil is used before surgery, it is stopped until up to 3 weeks after the surgery, and then again started and continued. It has been observed that around 70% of grafts grew into hair when minoxidil was continued; otherwise most of the hair transplants are usually shed after 2-4 weeks of transplantation. There are several reports available on medical trials that suggest that topical minoxidil is a useful adjunct after hair transplantation.

The reported benefits of regular topical minoxidil administration following hair transplant surgery include:

o An increase in the number of anagen hairs

o Promotion of hair growth in the transplanted grafts and surrounding areas

o Reduction of post-surgical shock and telogen effluvium

Medical hair treatment with Finasteride

Many hair transplant surgeons find Propecia (finasteride) to act as an excellent adjunct to the hair restoration surgery. There are several benefits to this kind of combination therapy. As the Medical hair restoration with Propecia brings about a hair re-growth in the crown area, it has a complementary action; it allows the surgeon to have more donor hair to be available for frontal hair transplant and design the hairline at his own will. Since finasteride has no effect in the frontal area of the scalp, it does not have any interference male hair loss treatment with surgical hair restoration which is generally done in the hair line and frontal area.

If you are experiencing pattern baldness, it makes the best sense to use medical treatment in conjunction with your hair transplantation surgery you are sure to have your hair transplants grow well, but keep in mind that non-transplanted hairs will continue to fall.

Medical hairloss treatment also helps to have surrounding hairs on your head while the transplants grow and so will allow you to have even more hair on your scalp.

The author Steve Harris specializes in various topics like hair loss solutions & hair restoration surgery. He has also authored a book on surgical hair restoration.

Medical Hair Restoration Treatment before the Surgical Hair Restoration

By Steve Harris

There are several medical hair loss remedies available for hair loss restoration. Most of the hair transplant surgeons recommend that one should always try medical hair restoration before one decides to undergo hair restoration surgery.

In fact, continued medical treatment well before the surgery often results in a better growth for the hair transplants. Similarly, medical hair treatment after the surgery always provides superior benefits from the hair loss solutions.

But when you are preparing for the hair transplant surgery there are some precautions with medical hair restoration which are to be observed so that you don't have any adverse effect due the hair loss medications.

Medical hair restoration with Rogaine

Minoxidil sold with the brand name Rogaine, is not able to grow hair on completely bald scalp; but is still considered as an affordable hair restoration treatment as it is able to retard hair loss and stabilize it by slowing down the miniaturization process. Medical hair loss treatment with Rogaine is a widely accepted treatment of all the hair loss solutions. that is even recommended by the FDA both as a hair loss treatment for men and a hair loss treatment for woman. Minnoxidil acts by prolonging the growth phase of the hair. But for medical treatment with minoxidil to be fully effective requires prolonged use. It may take a long time, around 6 to 12 months, to predict a noticeable improvement in hair growth. Within 2 to 3 months of discontinuing the medication, the increase in terminal hair density and growth resulting from the use of medicine can suddenly vanish.

Another drawback of Rogaine is that while it is effective in the crown or top of the head, it is much less effective in the frontal area, so overall it is not as effective as a balding solution for men for whom the front of the scalp and the hairline are the important areas for hair loss restoration.

Rogaine, especially is the drug of choice for many female hair loss remedies where the hair loss is often characterized by diffuse thinning. The prolonged use of the drug is sometimes able to bring about the complete reversal of thinning, seen even after stopping the drug, but in men, stopping the medication results in complete reversal of the benefits.

Medical hair restoration (Rogaine) as a combination treatment

Some hair restoration surgeons highly recommend the use of Rogaine before and then immediately after the hair transplant surgery especially when the grafts have been placed in and around existing hair. The idea behind the combining the medical hair restoration and hair restoration surgery is to help prevent the temporary loss of healthy, preexisting hair due to the shock of the hair restoration surgery procedure.

The use of topical minoxidil both before and after hair restoration surgery is often recommended for patients undergoing hair transplant procedures as it has been seen that Minoxidil reduces hair shedding due to transplant trauma and shortens recovery from surgery.

Precaution before the hair transplant surgery

Most of the surgeons do feel that the medical hair restoration treatment with minoxidil should be stopped prior to the surgery to minimize skin irritation and the risk of dilation of the blood vessels, whihc might result in increased bleeding. The treatment of patients with 2% topical minoxidil is generally stopped 4 weeks before surgery.

The effectiveness of application of topical minoxidil prior to hair restoration surgery is also well documented. It was seen that hair loss due to telogen effluvium observed 2-4 weeks after surgery was more pronounced in placebo-treated patients (52%) as compared to minoxidil-treated patients (22 %).

Precaution after the hair transplant surgery

It is not advised to use minoxidil on the transplanted areas immediately after surgery until the incisions have been allowed to heal. Most surgeons prefer to start the use of topical minoxidil at least a week or so after the hair transplant surgery. This allows time for the epithelium to heal and minimizes the potential for theoretical damage to the transplanted grafts from propylene glycol based minoxidil. However, the use of special glycerin based minoxidil solutions can take care this potential problem and can help to get a better growth after the surgery.

Where minoxidil is used before surgery, it is stopped until up to 3 weeks after the surgery, and then again started and continued. It has been observed that around 70% of grafts grew into hair when minoxidil was continued; otherwise most of the hair transplants are usually shed after 2-4 weeks of transplantation. There are several reports available on medical trials that suggest that topical minoxidil is a useful adjunct after hair transplantation.

The reported benefits of regular topical minoxidil administration following hair transplant surgery include:

o An increase in the number of anagen hairs

o Promotion of hair growth in the transplanted grafts and surrounding areas

o Reduction of post-surgical shock and telogen effluvium

Medical hair treatment with Finasteride

Many hair transplant surgeons find Propecia (finasteride) to act as an excellent adjunct to the hair restoration surgery. There are several benefits to this kind of combination therapy. As the Medical hair restoration with Propecia brings about a hair re-growth in the crown area, it has a complementary action; it allows the surgeon to have more donor hair to be available for frontal hair transplant and design the hairline at his own will. Since finasteride has no effect in the frontal area of the scalp, it does not have any interference male hair loss treatment with surgical hair restoration which is generally done in the hair line and frontal area.

If you are experiencing pattern baldness, it makes the best sense to use medical treatment in conjunction with your hair transplantation surgery you are sure to have your hair transplants grow well, but keep in mind that non-transplanted hairs will continue to fall.

Medical hairloss treatment also helps to have surrounding hairs on your head while the transplants grow and so will allow you to have even more hair on your scalp.

The author Steve Harris specializes in various topics like hair loss solutions & hair restoration surgery. He has also authored a book on surgical hair restoration.

Hair Transplant - The Real Truth!

By Rick Saroukhanian

Many people who are battling hair loss wonder if a Hair Transplant surgery is the answer to their problems and many are even afraid of the word "surgery". Most people have seen others with transplant surgery that look superficial and like a doll's sticking out for the world to see. Typical transplant questions and fears: "extremely painful", "It will look fake", "not my own hair", "transplant hair will not grow and last as I get older", "expensive". These are some the questions that many people have when they hear the term Hair Transplant Surgery. So are these fears true or false? Well, as a past hair loss victim and transplant patient let me shed some light for all who are wondering. On my blog, "Ask The Hair Loss Expert", I go in detail about my hair loss story and eventual redemption with before and after pictures, so I will not go into detail about my history here. To be brief, I started losing hair at the age of 22 and it progressed as I grew older. At the age of 35 I had my first hair transplant. I was so satisfied that I had another one at the age of 37, which I truly did not need. Now, I am 39 and I look younger than when I was 30. If you do not believe me, just visit my blog and see for yourself.

Now, let me answer some of the above fears or even questions that most people have regarding an Hair Transplant Surgery:

1. Is it Painful? Pain is a relative term. Each individual has a different tolerance of pain than the next. I have a low tolerance for pain and I can tell you that going to the dentist is more painful than having a hair transplant performed by the right surgeon. The keyword to remember here is "right surgeon". The surgeon has to be an expert in Hair Transplant surgery only. The cutting of the donor area is the most dramatic process during the entire surgery and it is here that some people in the past have felt great pain due to the surgeon's lack of skill. If the surgeon is skilled there is very minimum pain and discomfort. On my surgery day, I watched DVD movies back to back, had sushi for lunch, talked to my wife and the nurses all during the surgery so pain was not an issue for me.

2. Will it look Fake? Again if the surgeon is skilled, the answer to this question would be a strong "no". Before I had my surgery, I had a receding hairline and was going completely bald on top. After surgery and I swear by this statement, not one person ever knew or even asked if I had a hair transplant. It's so funny, when I run into people who I have not seen for a long time, they look at me from head to toe in amazement and their only comment is how younger I look and how I lost all the weight. The funny part is that I actually gained weight after my marriage, yet my transplant looks so natural that no one has a clue.

3. It is my own hair? Yes that transplanted hair is 100% your natural hair taken from your donor area.

4. Will the transplanted hair grow and last? Yes, absolutely. After surgery, I would suggest you take propecia every two to three days which stops future hair loss. I am approaching 40 and from the age of 35 when I had my first transplant I have not worried or seen any evidence of hair loss, especially from the transplanted hair.

5. Is it Expensive? Depends how many grafts you need and more importantly where you get the hair transplant performed. I could tell you honestly that a hair transplant is much more expensive in Los Angeles or New York than in Canada. I personally had my surgery done in Canada and would never even consider doing it here in Los Angeles where I live, not because of the cost but because of the surgeon. Luckily for me the cost of the surgery is considerably less in Canada than here which worked out perfectly.

In summary, it is my opinion that a Hair Transplant is the only permanent cure for hair loss. So, don't let anyone fool you with magic pills, shampoo's or foams and so forth, it is full of crap and baloney. However, there are natural pills and supplements that prevents or slow down hair loss, such as Propecia and Provillus and Profinast. The only real solution where you actually gain a natural set of hair is a Hair Transplant Surgery. For much more information, news and videos feel free to visit my blog.

A Woman's Choices For Hair Restoration - Surgery Or Laser Hair Brush

By Carol P Mason

Hair restoration surgery or hair re-growth by using a laser hair brush? Which method is best for a woman's hair loss condition? Solutions for balding and thinning are usually directed towards men. Although men do make up the majority of hair loss victims, women suffer thinning hair in bigger numbers than previously thought. Women now are tired of hiding the truth, and especially with internet access affording anonymity, they are seeking hair re-growth solutions in droves.

Forty percent of women have visible thinning and some loss by the time they are age forty. This can be devastating for a woman's emotional health as now more than ever so much importance is being placed on keeping our youthful looks, longer. Botox and plastic surgery is mainstream, and it seems everyone colors their hair and goes to the gym. Men can go with the new style of shaving their head, but for a woman, hairstyles are everything...but not too many can carry off a shaved head! Attractiveness starts with a silky, shiny healthy head of hair. The new laser light therapy in a laser hair brush may just be the answer.

Nearly 90% of balding men are candidates for hair restoration surgery. However, women are usually not good candidates for this choice. Most women have thinning that is called "diffuse hair loss". This type of scalp condition involves overall thinning in all areas of the scalp, including the sides and back of the head. These are the same areas that are used in hair restoration surgery as donor sites for transplantation to other areas. In male pattern baldness, just the top and front hair line loses hair. Therefore the sides and back of the head afford good harvesting areas for transplants. In female pattern baldness, however, these areas also have "diffuse hair loss", so there is not really a good place from which to get hair, as then these areas would become even thinner and the transplanted hair would most likely fall out anyway. Laser hair brushes provide a solution to thicken hair all over the head.

Women don't lose their frontal hairline, although it may still thin. Their face is still framed with hair and it is just the volume of healthy hair that they worry about. They need more volume of hair on the top of the head and in the back. Hair transplants don't do much for thinning hair, they just move hair from one spot to another. In the case of scarring, trauma, chemical burns, etc. of course it is a viable option.

The use of a laser hair brush and a system of proper shampoo, conditioner, vitamins and amino acid treatments can actually re-grow hair in dying follicles and thicken hair in follicles where the hair growth is stunted. The low level laser light in these hand held laser devices stimulates the follicles by bringing nutrients and increasing cellular activity. Hair that is growing in shorter and thinner will flourish. Follicles that have stopped producing hair will start their growth cycle again. A pre-cleansing treatment dissolves hair oils (sebum) that clogs follicles, and non-sudsing shampoo removes dirt and oils without leaving a residue on the hair shaft. Non-buildup conditioner smoothes each hair shaft yet leaves no sticky buildup that weighs down the hair. Amino acid nutrients are also an important addition to the process of laser hair re-growth. A shower filter to remove chlorine and heavy metals from shower water also promotes healthy hair by removing these items that clog follicles and damage hair and scalp tissue.

This entire package that comes under the category of low level laser light therapy (LLLT) is available from several reputable manufacturers. Although this technology has been around for many years in Europe and for ten or so in clinics around the United States, it is now available in a hand-held laser device that uses rechargeable batteries. The best laser comb or brush will have at least 17 diode lasers and a full money back guarantee. This laser hair brush can be taken with you anywhere you go for treatments of 15-20 minutes, three times a week. There is no prescription medication to be taken, no surgical procedures to undergo. It appears that this new use for laser technology is the safest and most convenient solution for a woman's thinning hair. If you are experiencing any form of hair loss, you should research a reputable manufacturer, and get started re-growing your thinning hair right now.

Carol is a freelance writer working in the healthcare industry for over 30 years. Her main interests are in promoting health care products that help men and women maintain their natural, youthful looks at any age. Her prime topic is the problem of hair loss, and strongly recommends the natural products available from Nutreve International Hair Therapy Systems.

Options in Hair Restoration For Women

By Seth Carmichael

Dealing with hair loss is a stressful and emotional process for a woman that can take a great toll on her personal and social life. This is why hair restoration for women is becoming just as popular as hair restoration for men. Baldness or thinned hair in men is common and while hair loss in women is not uncommon, it is much less accepted in society's view of females. Hair restoration for women can include anything from hair transplants to the simple removal of the cause for hair loss.

Before any drastic measures can be taken, all treatable causes have to be excluded from the diagnosis. Female hair loss or alopecia can often be caused by recent childbirth, stress, nutrient deficiency or be related to another existing illness. The first step is to make sure that there is no easy road where an outside factor can be removed leading to the hair restoring itself by natural processes. This elimination process often requires a referral to an endocrinologist to evaluate any hormonal imbalances in the body and to assess whether a simple change like switching birth control pills or even taking antiandrogens could solve the problem.

The most popular next step is Rogaine. Rogaine is the most common and accepted method of hair restoration for women. Rogaine is only the brand name for the medical drug minoxidil, which can actually have many other names. Minoxidil is made especially with 2% for females and remains at a high 5% for males. Rogaine and other variations of minoxidil 2% are the only FDA approved medications that are available specifically for women. Other medications are usually geared towards men and, if they do work on women, are not as effective.

Hair transplants are another method of hair restoration for women. This treatment largely depends on the doctor's abilities and whether they can minimize damage to existing hair and efficiently use donor hair. It also usually works better on actual hair loss rather than hair thinning because the hair can be directly transplanted without the old hairs needing work. There is also the factor of how good the donor hairs are and how well they transplant onto the rest of the scalp during this hair restoration for women technique.

With hair transplants especially, it is important to keep a realistic outlook. This means reading between the lines of infomercials and the famous before and after pictures. For some women it may be impossible to completely reverse the effects of alopecia while for others the hair restoration treatments may work like a charm. It is also essential to note that not all products and services that claim to be effective agents in hair restoration for women are medically approved or successful.

The best way to find out the right options for you is to speak to a licensed physician. Although appearances are important, health and safety are much more central to your well-being. A medically trained professional will be able to advise you of all your options and guide you to make an informed choice.

Hair loss in women can be a difficult thing to deal with. If you're experiencing hair loss or have questions, the best thing to do is to keep yourself informed and learn as much as possible at, where you'll find lots of free resources on dealing with hair loss restoration.